The Future of Course Content

Flexible & Adaptable.

Build the course you want.

You'll be able to do things like embed practice in content, use your assessment question bank as a pretest, and control access to pages based on conditions in your module.

Built for the Future.

Every paragraph in ObojoboNext is delivered by individual modular plugins. Examples include images, math equations, questions, widgets, and videos. This modularity means ObojoboNext is poised to deliver the next big thing.


Gain insights, perform research

We started on day one enabling our users to build research studies that were previously impossible.

LMS Integrated.

ObojoboNext integrates with Instructure's Canvas so you can use all the power of ObojoboNext right in the LMS you and your students already know.

Open Source First.

Install it, customize it, update it. Let's build the future of learning together.

Join us on Github!